Project within the framework of Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (EPAnEK)

About the Project
The MediLudus project proposes the development of an integrated system for health care at home and provision of suggestions for the improvement of living conditions for elderly people living alone or without constant monitoring and support at home. This system has two pillars: one relates to the use of sensors around the houseand on the patient (wearables and individual wearable sensors) that constantly provide information about the activities and the patient’s clinical data, but also for the conditions at home (temperature, air quality, lighting), while the other of a local decision-making system for the empowerment and mobilisation of the patient.
BioAssist S.A. is a Greek ICT services company providing advanced home care services for elderly and chronic patients. By combining innovative technologies, BioAssist services aim to improve the quality of life of elderly people and people with chronic conditions by supporting their independent living. The company platform offers modern communication and networking features, real-time medical monitoring, and 24-hour monitoring and emergency response mechanisms. At the same time, the company’s services encourage the compliance of elderly and chronic patients with their treatment, while providing a sense of security to themselves and their families.
Computational Biomedicine Laboratory of the Department of Digital Systems
The Computational Biomedicine Research Lab, within the Department of Digital Systems in University of Piraeus consists of faculty members with PhDs in the area of biomedical engineering and machine learning, who supervise postgraduate research work of highly qualified graduate engineers. The Lab is entirely devoted to research activities and its members are highly qualified in their corresponding research fields. The group members have extensive theoretical and computational experience in the fields of Computational Biomedicine Medical Image and Data Processing, e-health and mobile and pervasive computing in the field of medical informatics. The group has great expertise in processing of medical image and video data (i.e. data segmentation and annotation, coding, pattern recognition and image reconstruction) and biosignal processing (pattern recognition, coding and patient status interpretation).
Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) was founded in 1992. It was founded with the ‘charta’ to support the performance of top-quality research, development activities and the provision of scientific service to private and public bodies. Essentially the mission of ICCS was to support the deployment, the realization and the growth of the research priorities of ECE mainly through seeking, pursuing and acquiring research funding via the competitive calls for research proposals that the European Commission had instigated. In turn its purpose has been to build a research personnel base alongside ECE’s faculty so as to conduct state-of-the-art research and at the same time improve the research laboratory equipment base and infrastructures of the School.
The company started its course in the high Tech industry at the beginning of 2004. In 2004 the jPlaton Platform was already developed, tested and the same year applied in the Vehicle Technical Control industry with the jKteoVTC. The product has been adopted by 60% of the VTC Market making a leader in the industry of Technical Controls.

Co‐financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” Operational Programme. (Project code: Τ2ΕΔΚ-03049)